Kala KA-BEM Exotic Mahogany Baritone Ukulele
This is an affordable and neatly made baritone from Kala. The KA-BEM is a laminate instrument, but what a laminate it is… brightly stained exotic mahogany with gorgeous flaming - set off nicely with simple black binding. It really does look impressive - looks which make the low price tag quite surprising.
On price, you can probably source this model a little cheaper. I had a bit of a dilemma with this one - do I reduce my price to match. I felt with this one, I could offer a bit of added value by lowering the action. Ok, it means a little more work, and I can’t afford to knock the extra money off - but at least you’ll know it’ll arrive and be instantly playable.
The Kala KA-BEM comes with Aquila strings, in DGBE tuning, with wound strings in the D and G position. The tuners look robust and move well without any gritty feeling, and the black binding down the sides of the neck features white position markers.
The tone is difficult to describe… it is typically ‘baritone’… rolling depth from the bass notes, but enough power from the treble strings for the melody to stand out against that warm background.
For common accessories and customisations (like strap buttons / low G fitting) scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll be able to add these common items to your basket.