Magic Fluke Baritone Banjolele.jpg
Baritone & Bass Ukes
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Magic Fluke F40 Firefly Baritone Banjolele / Banjo Ukulele


Magic Fluke have an excellent reputation for innovation in their workshop in Massachusetts, and they’ve now developed a baritone scale version of their popular Firefly series of banjo ukuleles.

Made entirely in the USA from maple, they’re lightweight, resonant and give a real old-time feel, without the harshness you can get with some banjoleles. The DGBE, regular baritone tuning gives a lovely, low lilt - making you want to sit on the porch in a rocking chair and play country songs!

If you’re from the USA, the fact that they’re US-made is great, but if you’re from elsewhere in the world, like me, that badge doesn’t hold as much sway, and does mean that the cost is fairly high - however, you do also know that it is made well, by people who enjoy their work.

This F40 baritone Firefly has Grover friction tuners, which are very effective (I still find reservations about these, dating back years and years, when you could get some pretty grim friction pegs, but these aren’t them!). D’addario Nyltech strings are fitted, with a wound D and G. The result is an even sounding, lightly-rasping (in a good way), but soft edged tone which is very enjoyable. I confess that old time music isn’t my thing, but I have ended up ‘testing’ this model quite a bit to get those vintage sounds and it’s a really great tool for the job.

For a video demo of the Magic Fluke Firefly F40 baritone banjo ukulele, click additional info below.

For common accessories and customisations scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll be able to add these common items to your basket. The tailpiece allows the string on a strap to thread through, which you’d use instead of a strap button. A gig bag is the best option for a case as it won’t fit a regular hard case. It has DGBE tuning already, so you can ignore the low G option as well.

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Add thin black leather ukulele strap to your order

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Add Black Kinsman Hard Case to your Ukulele

Add Fitted Strap Button To Your Ukulele Add-fitted-strap-button-2.jpg

Add Fitted Strap Button To Your Ukulele

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Add Low G String to Your Ukulele

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Add 10mm Padded Gig Bag to Your Order


Additional Info

Magic Fluke Firefly F40 Baritone Banjo Ukulele Demo