Millar TM-300 All Solid Mahogany Baritone Ukulele
This a Millar baritone, the TM-300 model ukulele, handmade in Taiwan by Millar’s small family team. It’s a satin finish uke, made from all solid mahogany. In some ways in fairly no frills given the decoration that Millar can produce, but this was made to my brief to strip back on the visual side to give a good, honest, solid mahogany baritone. It’s certainly that, with a lovely warm, rich, rolling tone.
Initially I wasn’t sure about the choice to fit this model with D’addario Pro Arte strings, which have a wound low D and an unwound low G, but actually having played it a while, it delivers a really mellow, laid back sort of sound. There’s plenty of volume but the sound really rolls out, rather than zings out like some baritones with two steel strings can. It’s gentle when you want it to be and can punch out quite a powerful sound if you dial it up, and you can tell the quality when you proceed further up the neck, where the volume retention is really good in the upper reaches.
It plays nicely too, well set up and with a 38mm nut width. The bass is definitely there in spades but doesn’t overload the top strings which hold their own, particularly when picked with your thumb, where the really sing out nicely. It has Der Jung closed geared tuners, a rosewood fingerboard and bridge and bone nut and saddle.
Looks-wise, it’s a mahogany baritone and that’s about it! But, there’s something comfortable about that too, all of the cost has gone on the instrument so if you don’t mind playing a plain Jane, this is a nice quality instrument with a good old-time feel to it.
For common extras, like strap button fitting and cases/bags, scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll find they’re easy to add to your basket alongside the Millar TM-300 baritone ukulele.
If you click additional info below, you’ll find a video demo of the Millar-TM-300.