Concert Ukuleles

Millar CD-240W All Solid Cedar and Rosewood Concert Ukulele


This is the Millar CD-240W concert ukulele, made from solid cedar on the top and solid Bolivian rosewood, also known as Pau Ferro, on the back and sides. This softwood/hardwood combination is a real classic and for a reason, with the freely vibrating cedar top producing an easy, lively tone, and the hard rosewood bouncing that sound out with nice volume and clarity. Cedar is bright and clear, but not as bright as spruce, so this is a uke with a tone that’s medium bright - like spruce with the edges taken off, if that makes any sense.

Millar is a small family company who make their instruments in Taiwan, and they’ve rightly been popular with those in the know over recent years, with instruments that always stand out well at their relative price points, compared to the competition. This one, with its gloss finish and rope style binding, is no exception, looking smart and playing beautifully (Millar being one of the few companies to give as much importance to set up as they do to build quality). It has a 35mm nut with a pretty average neck profile - but that neck tapers and flattens under the first frets, making a nice anchor point for your thumb. Just a small point, but a well thought out one.

With Millar being a small company, there’s sometimes a little incosistency when it comes to strings. Previous models have come in with Worth Browns, which have lovely clarity, with a soft edge to the sound, while as I write, the one I have on my wall has Fremont blacklines, nylon strings which have a little more warmth, some sparkly trebles and a more vintage style sound, without as much sustain, but increased richness compared to the Worths.

For common accessories, like strap buttons and low G’s, scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll find common addons that suit this Millar CD-240W concert uke.

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Add thin black leather ukulele strap to your order

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Add Fitted Strap Button To Your Ukulele

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Add Low G String to Your Ukulele

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Add 10mm Padded Gig Bag to Your Order

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Add Black Kinsman Hard Case to your Ukulele
