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Millar Custom Handmade Maple & Persimmon Tenor Ukulele


This was a one-off instrument that has now sold.

This is a spectacular looking one-off, handmade ukulele from Millar in Taiwan - built by one luthier in their small workshop. It’s stunning looks come from lovely flamed maple, used for the top, and solid persimmon for the back and sides. Persimmon is a hardwood from the ebony family (bearing those strange little orange fruit).

The ukulele is finished in flawless gloss, with lovely touches like a sleek, modern slotted headstock, flamed maple binding, abalone soundhole decoration and even the mother of pearl Millar logo - which must be the coolest of any ukulele manufacturer. That logo is repeated in inside the soundhole, where instead of a paper label, there’s a stylish wing motif laser etched design.

This Millar tenor is has a flamed maple neck, with a 35mm nut and aNueNue Clear Water strings fitted. It feels nicely balanced and pleasurable to play - hard to put down in fact!

The sound is complex and harmonically rich, with good balance across the strings and some punch and sparkle when you need it for melodies, and some good body and depth too. In fact, it’s a bit of an all rounder, and tricky to describe… there’s no one thing that stands out, but bring all the parts together and it really sounds lovely.

This is a one off ukulele, made by one man, never to be repeated.

Post Script: I’ve now had more time to play this instrument and it is utterly stunning. It sustains so beautifully, has such a lovely chime and the tone is so rich and yet pretty at the same time. One of the best instruments I have EVER played.

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