USED Romero Creations STL Concert Ukulele
This is a used ukulele, in excellent condition. It’s Romero ukulele, with the Daniel Ho signature - but one that’s made from all laminate mahogany making it much more affordable. It was purchased from a ukulele store in the USA that charges up to £60 for a set-up, and while it’s in good condition - it could do with one. I’ll take care of that included in the price here… maybe I am daft, but I can’t send ukes out that don’t play as well as they should. Charging for a set up means you’d have to do that, if people don’t opt to pay it. Anyway, that’s another story.
This is a concert scale, compact ukulele, with the overall length similar to a soprano ukulele, but with its larger soundboard from the unique body shape providing good volume and a fair amount of richness for a laminate uke - aided by the Worth strings that the previous owner (wisely) fitted.
It’s a nice uke, and I think it’d be a bargain for someone who wants something compact - perhaps for travel - and something interesting… without breaking the bank.
The nut width is 35mm.