UKE Magazine Issue 16 - December 2018
The sixteenth edition of UKE Magazine features Victoria Vox on the cover, the California-based ukulele player and songwriter. She shares her tips with fellow uke players on her uke skills and lyric-writing ability. Also from over the Atlantic, we talk to The Corner Laughers and Matt Hicks meets up with the people behind Magic Fluke ukes.
Tel Smith looks into open tunings, while Phil Doleman and Lis Pfeiffer contribute songs to try at home. There’s also plenty of gear reviews, including a number of colourful ukulele options and a look at the kit used by The Bad Mouse Orchestra.
With lots more player profiles, features and interviews, UKE Magazine is a great read for any ukulele player.
Independently produced, and beautifully designed, this 60 page publication is the UK’s magazine for ukulele players, with a focus on the British scene, but an outlook that takes in the best of ukulele from around the world.