UKE Magazine Issue 20 - December 2019
This is December 2019’s copy of UKE Magazine, a printed magazine from the UK with a global focus for ukulele players.
In this issue we talk US alternative music star Amanda Palmer about her love of the ukulele and how it has freed her to write songs. We also talk ukes with Les Poupées Gonflées from France, in each case asking for tips and advice that can help players progress with their own ukulele playing.
Issue 20 also sees a series of articles aimed at ukulele clubs, groups, orchestras and ensembles, giving advice from various perspectives on how to liven up sessions and keep arrangements interesting - helping to keep members engaged.
We cover the recent tour from The Mersey Belles and Beaus in China, learn how to play Jazz and Blues with Phil Doleman and see reviews on a range of 5, 6 and 8 string ukuleles. All of this and lots more ukulele features and interviews - always with a focus on giving advice that will help your playing. You’re bound to pick up tips that help you get better in each issue.
Independently produced, and beautifully designed, this 60 page publication is the UK’s magazine for ukulele players, with a focus on the British scene, but an outlook that takes in the best of ukulele from around the world.