UKE Magazine Issue 25 - March 2021
Issue 25 of UKE Magazine is March 2021’s edition of Europe's most popular magazine for ukulele players. A full colour, 60 page, beautifully designed and printed magazine packed with tutorials, advice, interviews and gear reviews. This issue marks six years of UKE Magazine.
In issue 25 we speak to Hawaiian star Brittni Paiva about her beautiful instrumental style, ukulele story and get tips from her on how to improve our own playing. That focus on helping readers develop their own skills continues with more lessons, songs to try and guides to improve your technique, throughout the magazine.
We also talk to Jan Laurenz from Switzerland about his beautiful harp ukulele playing. And speak to the duo Ukuleaves from Germany as well as hearing the story of the ukulele’s founding fathers from Shawn Yacavone of Ukulele Friend in Hawaii.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg in another packed issue, which includes all the latest gear reviews and features from around the ukulele world.
If you click additional info below, you’ll get a video run-through of what’s inside this issue.