UKE Magazine Issue 32 - December 2022
This is the 32nd edition of UKE Magazine, a printed copy of a full colour, beautifully designed 60-page publication dedicated to ukulele players. UKE Magazine features news, reviews and interviews, always with a focus on helping players to improve their own skills. You can’t fail to pick up some skills, tips or advice to help you along the way.
In this issue, UK musician Marc Gallagher runs though tips and advice on ukulele playing and performing, sharing the skills he picked up along the way to a memorised repertoire of over 700 songs. There’s also guides from Phil Doleman, Christopher Davis-Shannon, Kit Luc and Mike Haysom, looking at different playing techniques, uke lessons and ukulele theory. We also tap into the boundless enthusiasm of Peter Luongo on the subject of ukulele and education.
These are just some of the many features inside this issue of UKE Magazine, which promises to give you hints and tips to improve your own playing, as well as providing reviews of the latest gear.
If you click additional info below, you’ll find a run-through of the content inside a typical copy of UKE Magazine.