UKE Magazine Issue 34 - June 2024
UKE Magazine has been the major publication written for ukulele players in Europe for over eight years, with a broad range of content aimed at helping uke players to improve their skills. It’s beautifully designed and printed, with 60 colour pages on nice stock (no flimsy paper here!).
In Issue 34 we feature Warehouse of Thieves, formerly known as the League of Ukulele Gentlemen, as they pass on tips and advice from their years as festival performers - looking at how to improve your performance technique, orchestration, arrangements and lyric writing. There’s also an extensive interview with Sam Muir, the talented and knowledgeable classical ukulele performer, as well as a series of tips from singer/songwriter Cynthia Lin.
There’s a range of features and articles inside, including ukulele tabs to try at home, lessons on technique and input from prominent ukulele artist and teacher Phil Doleman. We don’t neglect new gear either, with reviews of new ukuleles together with an interview with Canadian luthier, Ray Vincent. All of this alongside all sorts of ukulele features and guides that aim to get you playing better!
If you click additional info below, you’ll find a run-through of the content inside a typical copy of UKE Magazine.